Come on in guys and enjoy the finest men’s blog on the internet. It’s still OK to be a man in here. Men’s magazines aren’t what they used to be and we don’t care what your eye brows or nose hairs look like. On this men’s website, we laugh at fart jokes openly.
Team Rubicon members do not have time to stand around. While many traditional aid organizations were slow to establish relief efforts, citing dangerous and unstable …
The 90’s were great for a lot of things and the hair is at the top of the list. Here are the best NBA hairstyles that you probably forgot about.
Watching All Star game highlights of year’s past on YouTube this weekend reminded me how awesome some of the hair was in those games, and for the entire decade.
Bill Engvall is a Grammy nominated, multi-platinum selling recording artist and one of the top comedians in the country. He was recently awarded “Casino Comedian” …
Photos are the focal point of an online dating profile, and can make the difference between someone clicking (Hot Babes) or scrolling past (YOU, loser). …
“Self-made man.” A seductive moniker that’s generally used to assert some level of mastery of the physical, of one’s destiny.
And whenever seduction is present, temptation is inherent. The temptation to apply the term liberally, when it isn’t appropriate. Because, who’s to know?
I learned more about shaving from pro barber Woody Donahue in two hours than I had in 20+ years of begrudgingly dragging a razor across my face.
Donahue, the official Schick Hydro barber, set up shop at The Carlton Hotel in New York City and gave us the full treatment via hot towel shaves at a showcase event for the new Hydro5 and Edge Shave Gel.
Me and my The Drinking Jacket have survived many wars and always emerged looking fantastic.
Before I received the The Drinking Jacket for review, I couldn’t even spell the word “neoprene.” But now, after imbibing in its sweet, sensual delights and the life-altering trajectory I’ve been on since we met, I can’t sleep in a bed if the sheets aren’t neoprene with a thread count of 1,000.
I talked to the Hot Babes of Show Palace, the Queens-based all-nude strip club that admits 18- to 21-year-old customers, and hires under-21 dancers, and …
He produced and starred in Glenn O’Brien’s “TV Party,” which David Letterman called “the greatest TV show ever,” and he wrote and produced the film “Downtown 81,” starring Jean-Michel Basquiat. He has also worked as a stand-up comedian and an advertising creative director and copywriter.
But most importantly, Glenn O’Brien is a noted expert on YOU. He knows what looks good on you and, most importantly, what doesn’t.
I spoke to Glenn about when growing a beard doesn’t work, how to handle thinning hair with style, and the new 2015 Dove Men+Care Hair and Face range of products.
You down with DSC? Yeah, you know me! To be honest, in the beginning, Dollar Shave Club intimidated me.
“It can’t be that simple, can it? But I’m so used to getting completely reemed every time I need to buy a new cartridge of razors. How will I feel inside?” It was sort of like going to the DMV and they were suddenly serving ice cream or some shit, saying “Hi” to you, asking about your day…
No one has ever summarized a man’s relationship with his underwear as accurately as Garth Algar in “Wayne’s World”:
The relationship between a dude and his underwear is a strange thing. In the past, I’ve had roommates and friends who thought it was funny to keep a pair of underwear so long, they (the undies) gradually begin to degrade over time, until certain areas that once provided support were completely gaped open, leaving nothing to the imagination.
What I didn’t realize while it was happening in the 1980s and 90s, and even up until this year, was how successfully Public Enemy branded themselves in an era when “branding” wasn’t a buzzword or something that everyone was trying to build, bereft of skill as they may be.
Even today, if you blast Public Enemy in your office at what is considered more than a reasonable volume, it will likely be received as a “statement” of some kind, just like when you hear a commercial for the latest U2 album and know there must be a new Apple product out.
The Public Enemy logo, a silhouette of a b-boy in the crosshairs of a gun sight, stood on its own merit independent of the group and became a defiant fashion statement against oppression (perceived or real), e.g. Edward Furlong as antagonist John Connor in “Terminator 2: Judgment Day,” who wears a PE shirt for the entirety of the movie.
What did I reach for in an attempt to regain homeostasis, aka the stability of the human body’s internal environment in response to changes in external conditions? A tall, silver, frosty can of Sapporo, the #1 Asian beer in the U.S. Think of it as the Yao Ming of beers.
A new survey from has found that many people aren’t as good at kissing as they think.
The survey, led by YourTango, the #1 media company dedicated to love and relationships, found that the majority of people reportedly think they are pros at puckering up—however, only 53% of people believe that their partners are good kissers.
When I opened my Starter Kit from V2 Cigs, I wandered in wide-eyed and with no idea what to expect. While the e-cig market has recently exploded, the only prior experience I had with them was ribbing a buddy who totes his e-cig carrying case and essentials every time he leaves the house.
The new Vaseline Men Spray Lotion came to me in a time of need. My skin was drier than the driest Norm McDonald joke. So dry, in fact, that had my friends known, my new name would’ve been “Ashley” rather than Paul because I was so ashy.
The Schick Hydro 5 Sensitive Collection had all the sensitivity of a toddler petting a kitten on a pillow with a rainbow in the background, while listening to Richard Marx’s hit power ballad, “Hold Onto the Nights.”
As a dude, shaving your chin is a delicate, sensitive process. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve nicked myself in that particular area based solely on excessive speed and a lack of tenderness.
Luckily, the Schick Hydro 5 Sensitive is here to save us from ourselves. The Ultra Glide Blades are equipped with Skin Guards (that would be a sweet band name) that smooth the surface of the skin while you shave. In the 20-plus shaves I used the product, it didn’t happen once. And I sped through my shaves like a young Apollo Ohno.
Since we’re being sensitive, I have a confession to make. Thanks to investing in high priced, high-end shaving creams (not to be confused with the Tribe Called Quest classic, “The Low End Theory”) over the years, I’ve tended to look upon Edge products with a jaundiced eye.
The art of the pickup line is lost on certain babes, to be sure. But baby, if we get all sleazy with you, it’s only because we care.
Amazingly, sleaze turns into charm when it’s uttered in non-English.
With this in mind, your friends at One Hour Translation, a leading provider of human powered translation services around the world, have your back.
Think of One Hour Translation as a sex machine for words. They’ve actually taken the work out of it for you by assembling a list of the 10 best pick up lines to slay chicks on vacation, available in English, Spanish, Italian and French.
When I was a kid, I used to think the old guys who took care of their yards were losers. While I was zooming around the neighborhood smoking bowls in my car listening to Bone Thugs-n-Harmony, I thought it was pathetic how homeowners genuinely took pride in their lawns. Surely there was more to life than a new mower, hedge trimmer or edger, I surmised.
But now that I’m in my 30s and have become one of those losers, I’m here to tell you that there isn’t more to life than that.
It’s “time” to get a watch, playa. Rich people wear watches. If you’re trying to get your paper right, get a badass watch and show some fools “what time it is.”
A new survey from Spectrem Group’s Millionaire Corner shows most wealthy investors wear wristwatches (67 percent), with the percentage of wearers increasing with wealth. Which is why you should consider a new time piece from RumbaTime’s Bowery watch collection.
Monday – time to spend eight hours with people you wouldn’t normally give eight seconds. Who would you kill for an Irritation-Free Monday?
Whoa, that answer came out of your mouth way too fast. Now that you made it all weird, let’s quickly switch gears to what DOVE Men + Care can do for you, within the confines of the law.
Instead of punching that guy in your office who says “TGIM” every Monday morning, get your revenge by entering the DOVE Irritation Free-Monday contest. The winner gets their choice from one of six #badass prizes (Sorry, murder for hire is not one of them, you freak.) below:
Duke Cannon’s Big Ass Brick of Soap is back with an even bigger ass than before.
Now, Duke’s Cannon comes in five varieties instead of just one: Victory (Seagrass), Productivity (Mint), Accomplishment (Pepper), Naval Supremacy (Ocean) and Heavy Duty Hand Soap (Citrus).
If you were an assassin, who’s the first person you would kill? If you said notable pirates in 1715, Schick and “Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag” have your back.
For its latest product offering, Schick has teamed up with “Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag” to produce the stealthiest men’s shaving gift pack ever created. It’s so stealthy that if you acquire it while playing Secret Santa, you will have no idea who gave it to you.
MRSA – what the hell is that? MRSA is the bacteria that causes Staph infections and is a lot easier to say than its given name of “Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.” It may sound like a character off of “Sesame Street,” but it is no joke. Staph infections can mutate into a flesh eating “Necrotizing fasciitis” which can devour human flesh, and sometimes, entire NFL franchises, like the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
Some Bucs (and potentially former quarterback Josh Freeman) fans would argue that head coach Greg Schiano is a form of bacteria that can’t be stopped. But a quick dose of Titan Protective Cleansers would go a long way.
MRSA is a bacteria that is resistant to most antibiotics but can be prevented by simply maintaining good hygiene, and that’s where Titan’s Post Battle products have done all the work for you.
There is no feeling on earth like sliding into the $125 robe in your room at the Ritz Carlton after spending six hours on the most difficult obstacle course in the world. Wait a minute, did someone say “Carlton”? I thought they did.
As I stood in Arrowhead Stadium — section 125, row 33 — rocking the #83 jersey of Raiders legend Ted Hendricks, the last thing on my mind was the shave I enjoyed that morning courtesy of a razor from
There I was, getting my sexuality questioned by endless Chiefs fans, in front of endless Chiefs fans in an assault befitting of Kansas City’s league leading defense. But one thing that wasn’t getting questioned was the closeness of the shave delivered via the five-blade men’s razor from
Did you know that pomade was developed in the 19th century and was originally made of bear fat? Into the 20th century, the most common ingredients featured lard, beeswax and petroleum jelly.
Pomade in its original form was as natural as any hair product in history. But as styles changed, so did the demands expected of pomade, which caused heavier, less natural incarnations to be developed.
Royal Crown Hair Dressing and Murray’s Pomade are examples of pomade born out of this development and period in history. The effect of those products was the slick, greased back look popular in the 1950s and was heavily dependent on petroleum jelly, its main ingredient.
The word pomade is from the French word “pommade,” which means “ointment,” and derived from the Latin word “pomum,” which meant “apple.” The original recipe for pomade featured apples, which explains the consistency and feel that men have come to expect over time, though it has also become less organic.
Thomas Edison famously said, “Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.” If tennis legend John McEnroe and Dove Men’s + Care have their way, those …
You’re 30 years old — you’re not seriously going to consider using Noxzema again, are you?
You’re a man now. And since you’re a man, your use of Noxzema should’ve gone the way of Teen Lines, Debbie Gibson and friendship bracelets… 20 years ago.
Don’t know what to use to moisturize that dried out piece of roast beef that looks like it’s seen the rise and fall of a million suns, AKA your face skin? Well, dummy, it’s not hard to figure out. If my neighbor Bill can figure it out, that means you can too.
The highest aim of men’s grooming is looking good. Being properly groomed means you feel crisp and fresh, and that doesn’t just stop with your facial (or ear) hair; it extends to your clothes.
Recently, I’ve gotten into cufflinks. It only took 30+ years, but I finally made it.
As a man, what’s your biggest irritant? And even more specifically, what’s the biggest source of irritation in the city you reside? Edge Shave Gel took the time to figure both out.
Today marks the return of Edge Irritation Solutions, a campaign designed to relieve irritations for men one tweet at a time. First launched in 2010, the Edge Irritation Solutions campaign struck a chord with irritated Twitter users around the country by providing clever, real-time irritation relief to people venting their frustrations online.
Edge Shave Gel released the Edge Anti-Irritation Index, a study of geographical influences on irritation that uncovered the most irritating cities for guys in the United States. From high costs of pro sports tickets to lack of available single women, these cities provide men with constant sources of irritation:
Electric razors always bring to mind the image of a man in a cheap suit with a poorly tied, generic red necktie shaving in the front seat of his tiny import as he hurriedly makes his way to his job at Megatron Widget, Inc.
“The Bearded Gentleman: The Style Guide to Shaving Face” piqued my interest in being a man again. Since the divorce, the flame had certainly flickered. I got my hands on a copy and the book is fantastic. It is the de facto quick reference guide on personal style in relation to facial hairever created, and I am including “The Bible” in that generalization as well.
Bobby Holland Hanton is the Michael Jordan of his profession. Hollywood’s top stunt double, Holland Hanton has doubled as Christian Bale (in “The Dark Knight Rises”), Daniel Craig (in “Skyfall”), Ryan Reynolds (in “Green Lantern”), and he recently filmed “Thor: The Dark World” with Chris Hemsworth. I asked the Dove’s Men + Care brand ambassador five questions about his career.
With each shave, each day, you get an opportunity for reinvention. Looking to rock that soul patch? You have the transformative power and the decision at your fingertips to make it happen. Want to rock that chinstrap beard that was so prevalent in the last decade? Well, do it dude.
What makes this transformation possible to undertake? The will, vision, guts and tools to initiate the new path, the new direction.
Dr. Allan Peterkin is a physician, author and professor. He has published 14 books, most recently The Bearded Gentlemen: A Style Guide To Shaving Face, and is currently working with Dove and their new Men+Care Face Range, a full line to help dudes care for their faces.
Recently, I sat very close to Dr. Peterkin as we stroked our beards in a sexually suggestive manner in unison, and asked him the following questions.
BE: “Beardsmith” that you are, what’s the best way to kiss my old lady with passion, yet not drag my stubble or goatee across her skin, to the point where she says it feels “exfoliated” after we’re done?
DR. PETERKIN: Some call that a “snog burn,” snog being the English word for kiss. The best advice I can give you is work on your angle and your approach, and moisturize your face often to keep it as soft as possible!
Imagine how hard it would be to shave with one eye.
I had never thought of this before, until I was at the grocery store this weekend, trying to procure some Spaghetti Os in the pasta aisle.
So there I was, weighing the pros and cons of the Mini Ravioli versus the standard, old school Spaghetti Os. Caloric intake was a dead heat, as was cost.
Then, out of nowhere, I heard a gruff voice say, “Get the ravioli, trust me.” I turned around to see where the voice had come from, and before me stood a short, scruffy old man wearing an eyepatch. It sort of caught me off guard, his voice more than the eyepatch, and all I could think to say was, “Why?””
“Because, spaghetti is really hard to maintain enough to eat when you only have one eye.”
Going retro is cool and the straight razor is no different. Thanks to the most recent movie installment in the James Bond series, “Skyfall,” straight razors are popular again.
Online UK retailer The Shaving Shack saw a 123% increase in web traffic since the film was released in the UK. Traffic from Internet searches for “cut throat razor” and “straight razor” soared by a staggering 735% over the five days after the film was released.
Even if they don’t want us to believe it, women need to shave too. We already know that they never sweat, but rather “glow,” and they never fart or have to use the bathroom.
According to Ed O’Neil in “Wayne’s World,” “If you stab a man in the dead of winter, steam will rise up from the wounds. Indians believed it was his soul escaping from his body.”
Whether you have or not, you’ll need something to get all that dried blood and gunk out of your hair afterwards.
Even if you aren’t sophisticated, you don’t have to smell that way too. So what if you are a single guy and a bag of knock-off Fruit Loops (Tootie Fruities) is all you’ve had for dinner the last two evenings, sans milk? Or if your house is absolutely littered with so many toys and pink clothes it looks like a five-year-old girl exploded? Or that, for some reason, an empty can of chicken you ate for dinner on Monday is still idling on the stovetop, less than three feet from the trash can?
The key is that no one needs to know the real you — they just have to be familiar with the nicely dressed, good smelling dude that appears when you exit the threshold of your house and show up for work.
You don’t even have to know anything about men’s hair care products to know that Hans de Fuko is something you want to use. From the names of the products, to the graphic design employed on the packaging, it just feels good to use. You feel hip, contemporary and like you finally have your hair game under control. And even if you don’t, Hans de Fuko has the product to look like you don’t have it under control either.
All six styling agents I tried are listed below, along with a notable person who exemplifies this particular hairstyle.
Need a stylish, sophisticated “man bag”? An alternative to that backpack you’ve been using since college, or that boring briefcase you’ve been using in your endless attempt to look professional? Check out the new line of bags from Graf + Lantz.
This season, the designers have brought on additional styles to their iconic Juant Tote collection, fold-over styles and boats bags assortment. This Resort 2012 Graf + Lantz added a twist to their classic Parker bag, adding waxed canvas to the mix. This is a perfect all-around bag to bring on vacation — be it the Caribbean, Hawaii or Europe, you are sure to arrive in style with these classic head-turning totes.
Need a new way to ingest caffeine that is equal parts effective and fun to watch girls ingest? Check out the AeroShot Energy Shot.
Each AeroShot contains 100 milligrams of caffeine which is about the same amount as a large cup of coffee and has zero calories. It also contains B4 and B12. But let’s face it: Caffeine is king and is the stimulant that will get you where you want to go. 250 MG is what the FDA recommends as the most you should ingest in one day.
The AeroShot itself looks like a shotgun shell and each one comes individually wrapped in plastic and cellophane. To administer a shot of energy, you put the tip in your mouth (stop snickering), pull down on the cartridge while it’s in your mouth (grow up, dude), and inhale it like you’re clearing a “tobacco pipe,” complete with trying to not cough and waste your “hit” because it hits the back of your throat and makes you want to cough. From there, you feel the little crystals of caffeine enter your mouth complemented with a hint of flavor, depending on which flavor of AeroShot you have selected to shove into your pie-hole.
Going on a first date with a chick can be nerve racking, especially when the first date materializes on a whim at the prompting of your prospective lady, out of the blue.
What’s better than e-mail, e-dating or Eazy-E? eShave’s line of skincare/shaving products!
Recently, eShave’s line of After Shave Soothers won Best Post Shave Lotion by Men’s Health magazine in their 2012 Grooming Awards. It marked the third year in a row that eShave was recognized by Men’s Health, previously winning Best Pre Shave Lotion last year.
In the heart of the current political season, and in the interest of full disclosure, I must say that I have always been pro-Gillette throughout my personal shaving career.
It started way back in the mid-nineties, when I fell in love with the Gillette Mach 3 right out of Harvard Law. Three blades at the time was revolutionary (not as progressive, but certainly more moderate than the Schick Hydro 5 Power Select and it’s five blade setup) and I used it faithfully for years.
When I received the new AXE Hold + Touch hair styling products, I was skeptical. Too many times in the past I had fallen prey to styling products that you could squeeze out of a tube that simply didn’t work.
More often than not, these products had the consistency and holding power of Dep or LA Looks (for all you children of the 80s and 90s), and no matter how many layers you glopped on, the product wouldn’t hold — it would merely coat your hair, mat it down and make it look sweaty, like Colin Farrell’s portrayal of Don Johnson in Miami Vice. Or, Don Cheadle in any movie he has ever been in. And guess what guys? Chicks hate the sweaty, Vaseline hair look.
Greg Jennings, Super Bowl champion and two-time Pro Bowl selection (2010, 2011), didn’t disappoint when we discussed petting a grown man like a dog, his hate for Bears fans and who has better balls: Brett Favre or Aaron Rodgers.
In baseball in a critical situation, sometimes you need to put in a pinch hitter to change the flow and momentum of a game. Say you’re the Red Sox in the late 80’s and you’re down by a run in the ninth with men on second and third with two outs. Jody Reed enters the game and promptly slaps a pitch off the Green Monster for a double, scoring two runs, giving the BoSox the lead. The Axe Fixers line is like a young Jody Reed, leading the AL in doubles in 1990, completely changing the game.
The Axe Fixers line is a collection of shower gels and deodorant body sprays that are “designed to help guys revitalize the senses to fix their mind and change the game.” The collection is comprised of six fragrances:
When braving the untamed wilderness of manhood there are many pitfalls and natural predators. The greatest of all? Your own body odor. The only thing worse than smelling bad is not knowing you smell bad. So for us guys who are too busy, unconcerned or stupid to realize it, Old Spice has your back (and underarms, and banus) thanks to the Old Spice Fresh Collection.